


Beehive Shelf
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Spotting Plates



Ceramics Properties

This laboratory porcelain is the result of many years research and specialised experience. It is well- known by its high chemical and thermal resistance.

The bearers of these properties are well developed mullite crystals (3A12O32SiO2), not only increasing the softening point, but also ensuring both high mechanical resistance and low coefficient of thermal expansion. Thus the material is capable of withstanding high thermal shocks. To assure the high quality of laboratory porcelain only high grade raw materials are used.

The content of clay expresses the difference between the laboratory porcelain and ordinary technical porcelain. The phase diagram illustrates the position of the laboratory porcelain in the range of high thermal stability and resistance.

The high softening point makes possible to use glazed articles under suitable conditions at temperature up to 1100C, unglazed articles up to 1350C.

This laboratory porcelain meets all current standards. The dimensions are also in accordance with latest recommendations of ISO/TC 48.

The high quality and its stability is assured by steady control of the body and the production technology.





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